ChemistryNews - Page 7

Deadly arsenic discovered to be instrumental in creating gold deposits

Geochemists have unearthed why discovering gold deposits is so elusive, providing new insights into the formation of the precious metal.

Researchers convert seawater into drinking water in minutes

Researchers at the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology have developed a novel alternative seawater desalination membrane to produce drinking water.

Utilising textiles for more efficient wastewater treatment

A researcher at the University of Borås has developed a purification technique that uses textiles for more efficient wastewater treatment.

Predicting future ozone layer levels with Artificial Intelligence

A new Artificial Intelligence (AI) system has been demonstrated to forecast dangerous ozone layer levels up to two weeks in advance.

UKRI pledge substantial funding to UK Innovation and Science Seed Fund

UKRI will be financing £10 million to the UK Innovation and Science Seed Fund(UKI2S), ensuring world-leading scientific research.

Enhancing efficiency of metal catalysts for environmental sustainability

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Waterloo indicates that metal catalysts used for environmental sustainability degrade and become less effective.

Automating production of pharmaceutical compounds

Researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a unique method to automate the production of pharmaceutical compounds.

New technology achieves crucial chemical reactions five times faster

Researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed technology that can complete essential chemical reactions five times faster than expected.

Novel enzyme system for the hydrogen industry

An international research team has discovered an enzyme system for the hydrogen industry that can produce hydrogen using electricity and vice versa.

Developing functional bio-inspired synthetic materials

Innovation News Network explores the work of Dr Anna Schenk, from the University of Bayreuth’s Colloidal Systems group, and discusses the group’s role in...

Uncovering the origins of amino acids in the early solar system

Researchers have discovered meteorite amino acids derived from substrates that were more widely available in the early solar system.

Enzyme from fungus could help produce renewable fuels and chemicals

Researchers at the University of York have discovered an enzyme in a fungus could provide a breakthrough in the upscaling of renewable fuels and chemicals.

Mars’ subsurface holds the right conditions for microbial life

A new study conducted by Brown University researchers suggests that Mars’ subsurface has the right conditions for present-day microbial life.

Breaking down biodegradable plastics with new and faster process

Scientists have developed a way to break down biodegradable plastics in only a few weeks using just water and heat.

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