Climate ChangeNews - Page 15

Ocean algae more resilient to future climate change

Scientists have found evidence to suggest that marine algae are much more resilient to future climate change than previously thought.

System Integration: Toward informed decision making for the energy transition

The Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems is using a System Integration approach, which aims to model future energy systems to facilitate the green...

Carbon sequestration in UK woodlands twice as high as expected

Find out how the carbon sequestration capacity of UK woodlands is potentially double that of previous estimates.

Transforming carbon emissions into climate-friendly plastics

A research project coordinated by VTT examines the use of carbon dioxide in the manufacture of different types of plastic products.

Carbon capture system provides carbon-negative ethylene production

Experts have developed an innovative carbon capture system that enables the carbon-negative production of ethylene.

Economic degrowth policies will be effective in fighting climate change

Degrowth policies can be effective in fighting climate breakdown and biodiversity loss, as well as securing human needs and well-being.

Air travel emissions in Norway are double the global average

Discover how greenhouse gas emissions from Norwegian air travel are twice as high as the worldwide average and how they plan to combat them.

EU green investments needed to hit ambitious climate targets

In a new study, experts have proposed a European pact to increase EU green investments, allowing Paris Agreement targets to be met. 

Greenhouse gas emissions planning tool helps achieve Paris Agreement targets

Discover a new planning tool that determines the reductions in greenhouse gas emissions needed to meet Paris Agreement goals.

Potential ocean solutions developed in real-world laboratories

As human pressures continue to affect our seas, ocean solutions need to be developed to ensure that these areas are sustainably managed.

ASPIRE project optimises accuracy and efficiency of weather forecasts

Read how the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is pioneering a method for more accurate and energy-efficient weather forecasts.

Transitioning to green energy could produce more harmful carbon emissions

The construction of green energy sources consumes energy, some of which comes from the fossil fuels we are trying to eradicate.

Regime shift in Arctic ecosystem is likely to be irreversible

Large numbers of whales are dwelling previously ice infested water, indicating that changes in a Greenland Arctic ecosystem are permanent.

How Europe’s wildfires are a sign for the grid to implement digital solutions

As the impacts of climate change become increasingly clearer, digital solutions must be implemented to meet short-term emergency needs.

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