Climate ChangeNews - Page 16

CAPTICO2: Elevating carbon capture through cutting-edge CO2 mineralisation technologies

How to lower the emissions of hard-to-abate industries with economically attractive carbon capture, utilisation and storage technologies.

UN announces new satellite-based system to detect methane emissions

The Methane Alert and Response System was launched at COP27. It is a data-to-action platform, set up to curb methane emissions.

Global CO2 emissions remain at record levels

According to the Global Carbon Project, there is no sign of the urgently needed decrease in CO2 emissions to limit warming to 1.5°C.

COP27: UK’s climate adaptation budget tripled to £1.5bn

The PM announced the climate adaptation budget will be tripled to support local forest communities, conservation, and clean energy projects.

Scientists unearth the cause of our planet’s first mass extinction event

Read how geologists have uncovered what initiated the Earth's first-ever mass extinction event, which occurred around 550 million years ago.

Can global commitments to reduce greenhouse gases be achieved?

Researchers have questioned whether the world actually has the methods needed to reduce greenhoouse gas emissions.

Are electric cars tackling climate change?

EIP's Kate Munro discusses how the current cost-of living crisis coupled with a desire to tackle climate change, has encouraged consumers to buy and use electric cars.

Zero-deforestation policies have had little impact on Amazon forest clearance

Researchers say corporate zero-deforestation policies only reduced tree clearance in the Brazilian Amazon by 1.6% between 2006 and 2015.

Marine protected areas may help to combat climate change

New research suggests that marine protected areas can potentially be effective at mitigating the effects of climate change.

Shifting the focus of marine aquaculture to produce more sustainable food

Changes in marine aquaculture could help meet nutritional needs and reduce the ecological footprint of food production.

Marine animals differ in response to climate change

New study is the first to explore the relationship between oxygen, temperature, and metabolic requirements of certain marine animals.

First animals on Earth may have evolved earlier than fossils suggest

The first animals may have evolved sooner than fossils suggest, according to a study on the survival strategy of polar marine creatures.

Using cosmic rays to forecast tropical storms

Experts have advanced early weather warning systems, utilising cosmic rays to accurately monitor tropical storms for the first time.

Global warming is likely to blame for increased ocean temperatures

A new study has revealed that increased ocean temperatures have likely been caused by global warming as a result of industrialisation.

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