Climate ChangeNews - Page 32

Clues to future climate change effects found in Antarctica

A novel investigation of smoke particles trapped in Antarctic ice spanning back hundreds of years may reveal the planet's future climate change effects. The study,...

Earth’s water reservoirs accountable for greenhouse gas emissions

Researchers have identified that the Earth’s water reservoirs emit more considerable greenhouse gas emissions than previously anticipated.

Natural disasters: exposing inequalities in society

Margherita Bruscolini, Geoscientist & UAV Pilot at RSS-Hydro examines how natural disasters expose the stark inequalities in society between the wealthy and poor, and...

Groundbreaking steps toward developing fusion power plants

Results from UK experiment indicate a solution to the challenges of fusion and are vital for the development of fusion power plants.

Enhancing the efficiency of solar panels with holographic light

A recently developed holographic light collector increases the efficiency of solar panels with an energy conversion increase of around 5% over a year.

Sustainable Materials Research and Technologies

The SMaRT research group at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology runs a comprehensive programme for the development sustainable materials and technologies, including energy...

Mapping remote island wildlife as part of international climate action

As part of a new climate action initiative, researchers will utilise 5G, AI and data science techniques to map wild plants and ancient forests on remote Indonesian islands.

Fossil fuel emissions may be skewing data from marine ecosystems

A novel tool has been developed that will enable scientists to determine how centuries of fossil fuel emissions may be distorting the data they collect from marine ecosystems.  

Manufacturing industrially applicable materials from CO2

Novel method turns CO2 into a precious industrial material called silicon carbide, turning greenhouse gas emissions into economic resources.

The landscape of Europe’s Sustainable Development Goals

Mariano Votta and Sergio Veroli discuss European citizen engagement and consumer policy in the service of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Making the pig farming industry more environmentally friendly

Researchers from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have developed a system for treating wastewater from pig farming, making the industry more sustainable.

Vertical turbines will enhance the efficiency of future wind farms

Researchers have found that vertical turbines are more efficient and compact than traditional models, potentially advancing wind farms.

Lowering CO2 emissions through the use of a new perovskite catalyst

The development of a novel perovskite catalyst may potentially pioneer new technology in the battle against C02 emissions.

Using metal oxides as photoelectrodes for green hydrogen

Metal oxides are promising photoelectrodes for the production of green hydrogen with sunlight. However, progress until now has been limited.

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