Climate ModellingNews - Page 6

Satellite advancements for the fine-scale observation of the Earth’s surface

Environmental scientists at the University of Hong Kong solve significant observational issues of satellites to advance the fine-scale observation of the Earth’s surface.

FloodSENS: Taking a look at the flood mapping of the future

Ben Gaffinet, Applied Physicist at RSS-Hydro, explains how Machine Learning can help create valuable flood maps to support disaster response.

RSS Hydro: developing effective disaster risk management strategies

RSS Hydro Geoscientist & UAV Pilot, Margherita Bruscolini, discusses the necessity of understanding the components of disaster risk and how this will facilitate the...

How drones are making an impact on innovative agriculture

How using innovative agriculture methods such as drones are critical to Agriculture 4.0 and the changing climate.

RSS-Hydro: the diverse scientific and commercial applications of drone technology

Learn about the commercial and scientific applications of drone technology, including their geospatial uses.

The fusion of EO, AI, and drones for better global flood disaster response

Guy Schumann, CEO of RSS-Hydro, proposes innovative ML-based application software solutions to offer a better global flood disaster response.

Making the Sustainable Development Goals a reality

Dr Guy Schumann, CEO and Principal Scientist at RSS-Hydro Sarl-S, argues that more businesses need to include the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in their...

Drone usage in flood science and beyond

Drone usage has increased greatly in many sectors over the last ten years. Dr Guy Schumann, CEO of RSS-Hydro, analyses the adoption of drone...

The importance of trust and regulation in flood disaster response

Scientific products must become a trusted and authoritative source to better assist flood disaster response at a global level. It is human nature to help...

RSS-Hydro: Innovating the fight against global floods

Dr Guy Schumann, CEO of RSS-Hydro, spoke to Innovation News Network about the most efficient and effective way of fighting floods at a global...

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