Trond Vegger, CEO of Noras Watertech, outlines his company’s innovations in recirculating aquaculture systems, its water quality management system, its improved aquaponic solution, and the benefits they bring
Biomedical materials have advanced dramatically over the last 50 years and continue to evolve today. The goal at the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Advanced Biomedical Materials is to train an interdisciplinary cohort of students to compete in this global field.
Tide Ocean transforms ocean plastic waste into an award-winning, sustainable raw material, providing a circular solution to the plastic world that has a significant...
Dr Tanja Wintrich and Professor Dr P Martin Sander from the University of Bonn’s Paleontology Department discuss dinosaurs, sea monsters, the evolution of the spine and intervertebral disk and the lessons learned for biomedical research
Dr Warren L Grayson outlines the work taking place at his lab at the Johns Hopkins’ Translational Tissue Engineering Center in regenerating musculoskeletal tissues, from treating skeletal muscle loss to 3D-printing bioactive scaffolds with precise anatomic geometries