Earth ObservationNews - Page 10

Mountain lakes and their reaction to climate change

Researchers have investigated the changes in a lake in the northern Tibetan highlands since the end of the last ice age to better understand...

Study exposes hostile conditions on Earth as life evolved

Researchers have explored the Earths biosphere, UV radiation and Co2 levels using a climate model to analyse the Earth's planetary habitability as life evolved. During...

Deep mantle krypton reveals Earth’s outer solar system ancestry

Krypton from the Earth’s mantle, collected from geological hot spots in Iceland and the Galapagos Islands, reveals a clearer picture of how our planet...

The worrying impact of sea ice decline on polar bear movement patterns

Due to ever-increasing climate change impacts causing sea ice to melt, polar bears are being forced to travel longer and more hazardous distances to...

Four Earth science missions to be undertaken by NASA

In 2022, four separate Earth science missions will be launched by NASA. They intend to investigate fundamental climate systems and processes. This means examining extreme storms, surface water, oceans and atmospheric...

Avalanches are occurring at higher altitudes due to climate change

Research highlights that due to continual climate change effects, avalanches are occurring at higher altitudes due to less snow fall further downslope. Avalanches pose a...

Unpredictable ice clouds negate accuracy of climate models

Assistant Professor Kazutoshi Sato from Kitami Institute of Technology, and Associate Professor Jun Inoue from the National Institute of Polar Research, investigate the interference of...

Researchers discover a new type of earthquake

A Canadian and German led research team have discovered and documented a new type of earthquake in an injection environment in British Columbia, Canada. Unlike...

Scientists predict origins of Early Earth using gas bubbles in rock pores

Munich and Dresden based researchers establish a compelling theory for the evolution of membraneless microdroplets as the origin of life in Early Earth. The question...

Study suggests that the Sun is a source of the Earth’s water supply

Curtin University researchers have conducted research to determine the origins of the Earth’s water, discovering that the Sun could be an unaccounted source. An international...

Locating microplastics in Antarctica

Researchers from the University of Basel and the Alfred-Wegener Institute have revealed that it takes precise analysis to answer the question of where microplastics...

Research indicates satellite images can aid environmental land management

Researchers at the University of Surrey have demonstrated that satellite images can be utilised to facilitate environmental land management.

Significant steps towards tackling the dangers of space junk have been achieved

Researchers at the University of Warwick are tackling the challenges posed by space junk with a groundbreaking new research centre in the UK.

Satellite advancements for the fine-scale observation of the Earth’s surface

Environmental scientists at the University of Hong Kong solve significant observational issues of satellites to advance the fine-scale observation of the Earth’s surface.

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