Dr Evangelos Gerasopoulos, coordinator of the SMURBS/ERA-PLANET project, advocates for earth observation as an integral part of a smart city and outlines the progress...
Dr Chantal Claud outlines how the Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Observatory is bridging the gaps between the natural and social sciences so as to better observe...
Professor Julie McEnery, NASA’s Fermi Project Scientist, tells Innovation News Network about what the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will bring to astrophysics, and how...
Professor Hofmann of the Cherenkov Telescope Array spoke to us about the challenges involved in creating the unique observatory.
Professor Werner Hofmann, Spokesperson for the...
Associate director of CIERA at Northwestern University Shane Larson explores the role of globular star clusters within the Universe.
The modern scientific enterprise is one...
Dr Erik Kuulkers, the European Space Agency’s project scientist for the INTEGRAL mission, discusses the laboratory and its achievements, including the detection of gamma-rays...
Dr Evangelos Gerasopoulos introduces the SMURBS project, which harnesses Earth observation in the service of ‘SMart URBan Solutions for air quality, disasters and city...
CEO Thomas JJ Meyer describes how Machine Prognostics AS is introducing health and usage monitoring systems to the shipping industry.
First developed as a result...