Food securityNews - Page 1

New discovery in plant pest control will advance sustainable farming

Effective pest control remains one of agriculture’s most pressing challenges. Learn about challenges and solutions to combat the limitations.

The growing threat of mycotoxins in a warming Europe

Learn how mycotoxins are a rising food safety threat in Europe as climate change fuels fungal contamination.

Research in Saskatchewan: A fertile environment for innovators across industries

Research in Saskatchewan is helping to plan, develop and execute innovative ideas across several industries. Discover more here.

Pioneering solutions to tackle food loss

The FOLOU project faces the challenge of food loss at primary production: understanding, measuring, training and adopting.

UBC Social Innovation Hub: Co-creating a better world for all

Learn how the UBC Social Innovation Hub builds a better future with agile, sustainable, and multifaceted community-university partnerships.

Navigating the global agricultural trade landscape: Policies, collaborations, and sustainability

How does agricultural trade need to change to reflect new challenges globally, from climate change to population growth?

The importance of boron for sustainable food production

Learn why boron, often overlooked but essential for food production, plays a crucial role in ensuring the health and productivity of crops.

New app set to tackle food insecurity and supply chain issues

A new app, HarvestHub, will heal COVID-induced supply chain issues, help farmers increase production, and get food to families in need.

How energy storage in plants can boost food security

New research led by Brock University aims to discover how photosynthesis and energy storage in plants can boost worldwide food security.

Future-proofing urban food systems: Innovations in sustainable urban agriculture

Cities2030 explores the development and implementation of innovative urban food systems to address the growing demand for food in cities.

Major investments announced for UK farming and food sector

The UK farming and food industry has received a significant boost, with the government announcing major backing.

New study highlights the link between groundwater depletion and food security

Although efforts to slow groundwater depletion need to be urgently accelerated, it would likely lead to significant food security impacts.

Embracing biodiversity: The key to a healthy diet and sustainable agriculture

Mara Galeano Carraro of the Soil Association discusses the importance of biodiversity in ensuring sustainable diet and agriculture.

Strengthening food security through genetic biodiversity

A new UK project will enable farmers in Central America to improve food security through genetic biodiversity. Read more here.

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