GrapheneNews - Page 2

Researchers find that nanorippled graphene can become a powerful catalyst

Nanoripples in graphene can make it a strong catalyst, contrary to predictions that the carbon sheet is as chemically inert as bulk graphite.

New graphene production methods found by HEX 6

HEX 6 Industries Incorporated has discovered new methods for graphene production that will enable commercial volumes of pristine graphene.

Pioneering green graphene applications for a more sustainable future

The Graphene Flagship explain how emerging applications for graphene can contribute to a more sustainable world.

Navigating the uncharted waters of CVD graphene application development

General Graphene discusses the highly complex process of taking graphene out of the laboratory and into the real world.

Scientists discover that graphene electrodes can break water molecules

Scientists are using graphene to pull water molecules apart, which could help generate hydrogen fuel from water.

ZenGUARD™: Improving lives through nanotechnology

Zentek’s goal is to use its expertise in nanomaterials to improve lives after commercialising its advanced antimicrobial coating, ZenGUARD™.

Graphene’s coming of commercial age

Terrance Barkan, Executive Director of The Graphene Council, discusses the evolution of graphene, from a scientific discovery to a ‘wonder material’. Ever since the 2004...

General Graphene Corporation: Harnessing the versatility of graphene

Gregory Erickson, Founder and CFO of General Graphene Corporation, details the properties of graphene that make it a versatile and sought-after material. Graphene has long...

ZenGUARD™: Graphene-based nanotechnology reduces transmission risk

Zentek’s ZenGUARD™ graphene-based nanotechnology filters and deactivates pathogens to reduce the risk of transmission, making higher risk work environments and social interactions safer. The team...

Unlocking the next generation of graphene in electronics

Lilei Ye, Business Developer for electronics applications for the Graphene Flagship, explains the state of play for graphene in electronics, and the challenges that...

Improving the crystallinity of large single-layer graphene

An interface-templated method has the potential to enhance the crystallinity of large single-layer graphene sheets on insulating supports. A novel method can improve the crystallinity...

Graphene Flagship: The road to commercialising graphene innovation

Professor Andrea Ferrari, Science and Technology Officer and Chair of the Management Panel of the Graphene Flagship, discusses the current progress made in the...

Advancing graphene-based healthcare technologies for a safer world

Discover how Zentek Ltd’s offering of graphene-based healthcare solutions hold transformative possibilities within healthcare and beyond. Nanotechnology refers to science, engineering, and technology conducted on...

Utilising graphene to transform nanomedicine and health technology

Exploring the evolution of graphene from a lab-based discovery to a clinically useful tool to transform nanomedicine and health technology. Professor Kostas Kostarelos, Chair of...

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