Green EnergyNews - Page 37

Transforming pipes and anchors into a sustainable energy storage system

A new IIASA-led study has analysed the potential of a novel sustainable energy storage system that incorporates pipes and anchors.

Is stand-alone renewable energy and clean water production possible?

Blue Power Synergy is working towards the creation of stand-alone renewable energy systems to produce not only electricity but also clean water.

Groundbreaking technology heightens organic solar cells’ performance

Researchers working at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) have developed a novel technology that can enhance the efficiency of organic solar cells.

Reducing carbon emissions with hydrogen-enriched fuel

Research has identified that the implementation of hydrogen-enriched fuel could significantly mitigate the impacts of carbon emissions.

Major breakthrough in the production of perovskite solar cells

Researchers have devised a method to create one of the elusive materials that is vital in the production of perovskite solar cells.

Unitized regenerative fuel cells for improved hydrogen production

Researchers show that unitized regenerative fuel cells lead to enhanced hydrogen production and power generation.

What role can lead-acid batteries play in the circular economy?

Roger Miksad, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Battery Council International, spoke to Innovation News Network about their organisation and the latest in lead battery manufacturing and recycling.

Banning the landfill of wind turbine blades in Europe

WindEurope has appealed for a landfill ban on decommissioned wind turbine blades across the continent by 2025.

Nuclear energy roadmap launched by experts at Manchester University

Nuclear experts at the University of Manchester have created a roadmap comprised of the actions needed to evaluate the role of nuclear energy in the UK’s net zero future.

New electrode coating boosts performance of a photovoltaic cell

A KAUST led study has revealed that a single-molecule layer electrode coating can boost the performance of an organic photovoltaic cell.

€17.5 billion for fair and inclusive green transition in Europe

The European Council has adopted a new regulation establishing a €17.5 billion fund to ensure that Europe’s green transition is fair and inclusive.

Study indicates that decarbonisation by 2050 is implausible

A study has concluded the first systematic investigation on climate futures, indicating that deep decarbonisation by 2050 is not plausible.

LED light bulbs to replace halogen light bulbs in Britain

In a shift towards a cleaner future, halogen light bulbs are to be banned in Britain from September 2021 and replaced with LED light bulbs.

Graphite and the green energy transition

Dr Corina Hebestreit, Managing Director of The European Carbon and Graphite Association (ECGA), discusses the role of graphite in the green energy transition.

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