Green EnergyNews - Page 38

New procedure enhances production of perovskite solar cells

Scientists have developed a method that boosts the manufacturing efficiency of perovskite solar cells, making them more commercially viable.

Cobalt: a key commodity in the green energy transition

David Weight, past President of the Cobalt Institute (CI), speaks to Innovation News Network's about cobalt’s role in the green energy transition.

Sustainable stationary energy storage with hybrid redox-flow batteries

Researchers at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg have developed a novel method for producing hybrid redox-flow batteries with a long battery life, with promising potential for sustainable stationary energy storage.

A new regulatory framework to support sustainable batteries

Vivian Loonela, Coordinating Spokesperson for the European Green Deal, discusses modernising the EU’s legislation for sustainable batteries.

Enhancing the efficiency of solar panels with holographic light

A recently developed holographic light collector increases the efficiency of solar panels with an energy conversion increase of around 5% over a year.

Achieving a decarbonised future with the power of marine energy

Matthew Finn, Commercial Director of the EMEC, discusses the role that marine energy can play in a decarbonised future and how EMEC can help.

Electric energy storage solutions for a sustainable future

Ozop Energy Solutions Inc, a US based public company (OTC: OZSC) provides electrical energy storage solutions for a greener and smarter future: from energy...

Sustainable Materials Research and Technologies

The SMaRT research group at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology runs a comprehensive programme for the development sustainable materials and technologies, including energy...

Smart financing Britain’s hydrogen fuel cell vehicles

Brian Foster, Head of Industry Finance at Siemens Financial Services, UK, discusses how hydrogen fuel cell vehicles could be financed in order to play a role in Britain’s zero carbon future.

The Valjevo Project and the sustainable mining of lithium and borates

Euro Lithium speaks to Innovation News Network about its long-term vision for sustainable mining with the Valjevo Project. Lithium and borates will play an essential...

World’s first concept for rechargeable cement-based batteries

Novel research at the Chalmers University of Technology outlines a new theory for developing cement-based rechargeable batteries.

Energy target sparks French renewable energy revolution

New EU policy has prompted France to innovate its renewable energy strategy, with the aims of becoming Europe’s leaders in green energy.

Novel enzyme system for the hydrogen industry

An international research team has discovered an enzyme system for the hydrogen industry that can produce hydrogen using electricity and vice versa.

Engineered bacteria offer promise to sustainable biofuel industry

Researchers at Hiroshima University have discovered that engineered bacteria could aid the sustainable biofuel industry.

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