Infectious DiseasesNews - Page 1

Research in Saskatchewan: A fertile environment for innovators across industries

Research in Saskatchewan is helping to plan, develop and execute innovative ideas across several industries. Discover more here.

UK to create world-first early warning system to control infection

The world’s first real-time early warning system will monitor the threat of future pandemics, prevent disease and protect the public.

New synthetic antibiotic teixobactin shown to be effective against superbugs

Researchers have developed a new synthetic antibiotic, teixobactin, which is more effective than established drugs against superbugs.

Protein guard mechanism identified for future of infectious disease and cancer treatment

Researchers have found a guard mechanism for protein which attacks microbes in infected cells. Read more here.

How can pharmacists improve access to HPV vaccines?

Learn more about a system developed by pharmacists that will makes access to HPV vaccines quicker and easier.

New antibiotics could pave the way for successful bacterial infection treatment

Learn how a group of drugs commonly used in cancer treatments could possibly be a successful bacterial infection treatment.

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