Materials ScienceNews - Page 2

Innovative Transmission Electron Microscope to be developed by Manchester scientists

Manchester scientists are developing a Transmission Electron Microscope that integrates cutting-edge spectroscopy with AI.

Canadian Government invests $399.8m into TRIUMF particle accelerator centre

The Canadian Government unveiled an unprecedented investment of $399.8m in funding for TRIUMF, Canada's esteemed particle accelerator centre.

New molecular device could revolutionise medical and material engineering

The University of Manchester has developed a molecular device that could significantly advance medical treatment and smart materials.

EU and Japan initiate advanced materials partnership

The European Commission has announced it will collaborate with Japan to develop cutting-edge advanced materials.

An outstanding place for scientific research in the Baltic Sea region

The University of Latvia’s Institute of Solid State Physics is bringing the future closer through scientific research, encouraging young scientists and business ventures alike to develop the technologies of tomorrow.

New hydrogel used to create ‘lollipop’ diagnostic for mouth cancer

University of Birmingham researchers have received funding from Cancer Research UK and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council to create ‘lollipops’ for mouth cancer diagnostics.

Removing PFAS chemicals from water through electrocatalysis breakthrough

Learn how University of Rochester has pioneered an innovative electrochemical process to remove PFAS chemicals from water.

Training industrial doctorates in the transition towards biobased value circles

Discover how Biobased Value Circle establishes a paradigm shift in the innovation process for biobased materials.

Graphene safety tested in first human trial

New research has tested the safety implications of graphene, revealing that the ‘wonder’ material has the potential to be developed without risk to human...

Could a new lithium-ion conductor pave the way for sustainable batteries?

Researchers at the University of Liverpool have discovered a solid material that acts as a rapid lithium-ion conductor. Read more here.

Creating eco-friendly, high performance thermoelectric materials

Environmentally benign inverse-perovskites have the potential for practical applications as thermoelectric materials. Read more here.

Researchers create first functional semiconductor made from graphene

The world’s first functional semiconductor made from graphene is a single sheet of carbon atoms held together by the strongest bonds known.

Could AI unlock mysteries of polycrystalline materials?

Researchers have used AI to discover a new method for understanding defects called dislocations in polycrystalline materials. Read more here.

The University of Manchester and Osaka University establish strategic partnership

The University of Manchester and Osaka University have announced the launch of a new strategic partnership. Read more here.

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