Materials ScienceNews - Page 4

Spallation Neutron Source particle accelerator shatters beam power world record

The Spallation Neutron Source particle accelerator has set a new beam operating power world record of 1.7 megawatts. The landmark achievement at the Spallation Neutron...

Innovative diamond-based quantum sensor technology allows for fast magnetic imaging

Discover how the use of diamond-based quantum sensor technology opens doors for new research in materials science.

Looking inside irradiated steel

Learn how technology is allowing us to ‘look inside’ irradiated steels to determine the durability of a nuclear structure.

ZenARMOR™: Novel corrosion protection technology developed by Zentek

Zentek Ltd. has developed ZenARMOR™, a novel corrosion protection technology based on functionalised graphene oxide.

How materials science is advancing the manufacturing future

Pierre Forêt, Associate Director of Additive Manufacturing at Linde, explains how materials science revolutionises the manufacturing sector.

New research reveals how microstructures undergo grain growth

Learn how scientists are improving understanding on how microstructures change and undergo grain growth at high temperatures.

Distributing ZenGUARD™-enhanced surgical masks to the Canadian health sector

Discover Zentek's next steps in the commercialisation of its graphene-based nanotechnology, with the distribution of enhanced surgical masks.

What makes long-term research projects valuable?

Learn more about the nature of innovation and the value and challenges of long-term research projects with the Graphene Flagship.

Creating functional perovskites with tuneable properties

A team of scientists have successfully converted mineral shells of algae into lead halide perovskites with tuneable physical properties

Making state-of-the-art advancements in materials science

Researchers have made significant advancements in the field of materials science with the invention of a new state-of-the-art product.

The most efficient method for creating metallic plasmas

A team of researchers has successfully used solid metals under a strong magnetic field in a microwave resonator to create metallic plasmas.

Beyond graphene: The exceptional power of two-dimensional boron nitride

Discover how the LMI laboratory in Lyon has been developing the tailored synthesis of boron nitride by pyrolysis of preceramic polymers.

New nanomaterial invention sparks potential for phone battery recycling

Engineers at RMIT University have facilitated the potential for mobile phone battery recycling with a new nanomaterial innovation.

New graphene production methods found by HEX 6

HEX 6 Industries Incorporated has discovered new methods for graphene production that will enable commercial volumes of pristine graphene.

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