Natural DisastersNews - Page 2

From flames to floods: Investigating post-fire flooding and effective mitigation strategies

RSS-Hydro discusses the effects of post-wildfire flooding, and what can be done to prepare for and mitigate the impact of those flooding waters.

How urban planning and infrastructure design can mitigate flood risks in cities

Discover how strategic urban planning and infrastructure design can protect our cities from the escalating flood risks.

Ongoing January flooding in England creates devastating impacts

Significant river flooding in England is expected to continue today, with minor impacts expected until Wednesday. Read more here.

Harnessing drones for humanitarian aid and disaster response: Challenges and opportunities

Learn about how drones have evolved into indispensable assets in disaster response and delivering humanitarian aid.

The need for developing trusted map products for disaster mapping

AI can improve disaster mapping but this increased reliance requires a higher level of authentication to protect information.

How geospatial technologies aid in effective disaster management

Learn how Geospatial technologies can revolutionise every stage of disaster management, from preparedness to recovery.

Increasing climate resilience through visualisation

Learn more about how RSS-Hydro is using the power of visualisation for mitigating risks and increasing climate resilience.

Changes in hurricane activity caused by climate change

Changes in hurricane activity are caused by earlier warmer oceanic conditions due to climate change.

Government pledges £25m to increase natural flood resilience measures

Discover more about how a project to fund natural flood resilience measures will benefit water quality and biodiversity.

New drought prediction model could improve proactive response in East Africa

Researchers have developed a new drought prediction model for the Eastern Horn of Africa to allow for preparation measures to be implemented.

Major floods of 2022: Consequences and lessons learned

Disastrous floods across the globe have highlighted the importance of effective flood-prevention technologies and strategies.

UK flooding damage to rise by over 20% if global emission targets are not met

Research suggests damage caused by UK flooding could increase by more than 20% over the next century if global emissions targets are not met.

Monitoring climate-induced natural hazards with Machine Learning

Climate induced-natural hazards can be better tracked by combining satellite technology with Machine Learning.

Researchers predict floods with a new, more effective method

A new method for predicting floods is more appropriate for analysing flood frequency in a changing environment.

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