New study highlights the possibility to utilise a dense Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) at a cell phone base to monitor seismic activity.
A paper...
David Johnson, of Purdue University, outlines the work of research groups in Louisiana seeking to improve flood risk estimation strategies.
Claiming the lives of over...
Margherita Bruscolini, Geospatial Scientist at RSS-Hydro, outlines the organisation’s SEMOR aid project, designed to improve water resources management in the flood-prone Niger River.
River and...
Research highlights that due to continual climate change effects, avalanches are occurring at higher altitudes due to less snow fall further downslope.
Avalanches pose a...
A Canadian and German led research team have discovered and documented a new type of earthquake in an injection environment in British Columbia, Canada.
Professor Kevin P Furlong from the Geodynamics Research Group at Geosciences Penn State discusses subduction zone earthquakes.
Earthquakes in subduction zones, where two tectonic plates...
RSS Hydro Geoscientist & UAV Pilot, Margherita Bruscolini, discusses the necessity of understanding the components of disaster risk and how this will facilitate the...