Margherita Bruscolini, Geoscientist & UAV Pilot at RSS-Hydro examines how natural disasters expose the stark inequalities in society between the wealthy and poor, and...
Researchers believe that a newly discovered hidden mechanism is the reason behind an unexpected Alaskan strike-slip earthquake.
The team, consisting of Kevin P. Furlong, Professor...
A research team at the Tohoku University has developed an Artificial Intelligence method that uses news media images to accurately detect flooded buildings within 24 hours of a disaster.
Dr Andre Baldermann, Senior Scientist at TU Graz, explains how creeping landslides are initiated and presents a customised engineered solution to help prevent them.
Scientists at Graz University of Technology, Austria, have identified a series of chemical processes that could be the key to understanding landslides.
According to the...
Dr Guy Schumann, CEO and Principal Scientist at RSS-Hydro Sarl-S, argues that more businesses need to include the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in their...