Nuclear PhysicsNews - Page 2

The rise of advanced small modular reactors

Robert Taylor, Deputy Office Director for New Reactors at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, discusses the regulatory challenges brought about by the rise of...

New testing facility to accelerate advanced nuclear technologies

The University of Pittsburgh is developing a pool-type materials testing facility to accelerate advanced nuclear technologies. In order to facilitate advanced nuclear technologies, stable materials...

Analysing the breakup of deuterons through photon-deuteron collisions

Scientists observe photon-deuteron collisions to gain insight into the gluons that bind the building blocks of matter and what it takes to break protons...

Developing advanced nuclear reactors using ion irradiation to accelerate neutron damage

Researchers at the University of Michigan are utilising ion irradiation to accelerate neutron damage, thus paving the way for the development of advanced nuclear...

The Nuclear Law Committee: A peaceful transition to nuclear energy

The Nuclear Law Committee met in person and online with a consortium of professionals to discuss the safe and peaceful transition to nuclear energy. The...

Molten salt reactors: An old technology made new

A nuclear technology, molten salt reactors (MSRs), once considered to power aircraft during the Cold War, is now on the cusp of lighting our...

Analysing the connection between heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars

Professor Claudia Ratti from the University of Houston discusses the connection between heavy-ion collisions and astrophysical observations of neutron stars and their mergers, and...

Exploring the potential of advanced nuclear system coolants

Professor Mark Anderson from the University of Wisconsin-Madison discusses some of the interesting experimental science questions associated with advanced nuclear system coolants and how...

Horizon EUROfusion: Developing clean and safe nuclear fusion energy

Horizon EUROfusion is celebrating the start of conceptual designs for a power plant to develop clean and safe nuclear fusion energy. EUROfusion will be celebrating...

Interactions in nuclear matter sheds light on neutron stars

A research team from Technische Universität Darmstadt has investigated the interactions in nuclear matter to better understand neutron stars. Investigating neutron stars: How are they...

The growing significance of energy conversion

Dr Frédérick Bordry, Scientific Advisor and former Director for Accelerators and Technology at CERN, outlines his career achievements working in the field of accelerator...

Conducting decay spectroscopy experiments at TRIUMF

An overview of the decay spectroscopy experiments being carried out by scientists led by Professor Corina Andreoiu from the Department of Chemistry at Simon...

The MANDELA project launches nuclear physics laboratories in South Africa

The MANDELA project has officially launched at UWC and UniZulu, in collaboration with the University of York, to open nuclear physics laboratories in South...

Inside the upgraded ALICE nuclear physics experiment at CERN

Marielle Chartier, Professor of Physics at the University of Liverpool and member of the ALICE collaboration, explains how a fundamental perspective on the nuclei...

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