Nuclear PhysicsNews - Page 5

New method to quickly calculate the properties of an atomic nucleus

Physicists led by Chalmers University of Technology have designed a new method to quickly calculate the properties of an atomic nucleus.

Scientists use neutron scattering experiments to understand tumour suppression

Scientists have used neutron scattering techniques to investigate what happens inside cells when they are at risk of becoming cancerous.

New technology to improve the extraction of thorium

A Russian research consortium has improved the technology used in the alkaline extraction of thorium, increasing the sustainability and safety of nuclear power. The consortium...

High energy physics in China

Professor Yifang Wang spoke to The Innovation Platform about high energy physics in China and the multifaceted work taking place at the Institute of...

Timing the decay of antimatter improves medical imaging technologies

Atomic physicists and nuclear medicine experts at the University of Tokyo and the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) have devised a simple way...

The SPARC emission-free power plant

MIT and Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) have published a new series of papers outlining the progress of the SPARC project, which aims to create...

Understanding neutrino activity at SNOLAB

The Executive Director of SNOLAB, Dr Nigel Smith, spoke to The Innovation Platform about the facility’s science programme, most notably its neutrino activities. A world-class...

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