Particle PhysicsNews - Page 14

US research at the LHC: the benefits of cross-continental collaboration

Professor Bradley Cox from the University of Virginia outlines how teams from the US continue to be actively involved in cross-continental collaboration through experiments...

Understanding the origin of the universe with particle detector technologies

Dr Giovanni Lamanna, Director of Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, speak to The Innovation Platform about particle detector technologies and the significance of...

Particle detectors: the next generation of large particle physics experiments

AIDA-2020, a project co-funded by the European Commission, has made great progress in improving particle detectors’ performance. Particle detectors and accelerators are used in particle...

CERN discover new signatures of Higgs boson

As part of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, CERN researchers have discovered new signatures of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider. The research...

Do neutrinos behave differently in their matter and anti-matter forms?

Scientists have revealed the basic property of neutrinos, representing an important step towards learning whether neutrinos behave differently in their matter and antimatter forms. A...

How to ‘cook’ anti-matter

Carsten Welsch tells Innovation News Network his ‘cooking recipe’ for anti-matter while addressing public preconceptions towards his research. Carsten Welsch, a former CERN fellow, studied...

$75m to upgrade CERN’s ATLAS detector

Scientists led by Columbia University, USA, will be working to enhance the capabilities of the ATLAS detector at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC). "These improvements...

The particle interactions that take place in the core of neutron stars

Scientists have made a revolutionary breakthrough surrounding the particle interactions that take place in the core of a neutron star. Using new results from precision...

Innovating high-speed photon counting for nuclear physics experiments

Scientists from the Argonne National Laboratory have developed a device capable of high-speed photon counting for nuclear physics experiments. Researchers from the US Department of...

MICE: muon experiment a success

Physicists at the International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) have developed a method of quickly depleting the energy from muons. Muons are particles that possess...

German physicists in the ALICE experiment at CERN Large Hadron Collider

Universität Heidelberg’s Professor Johanna Stachel talks about the efforts of German physicists in the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider The German physics community has...

Studying the origin of cosmic rays for a new view of the high-energy sky

The University of Maryland’s Department of Physics explores the high-energy universe with the HAWC Gamma Ray Observatory. One of the great mysteries of the last...

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