Professor Tiziano Camporesi, former CERN spokesman for the CMS experiment, discusses the challenges of upgrading the experiment and the importance of the precision frontier.
Professor Curtis A Meyer, from Carnegie Mellon University’s Department of Physics, provides fascinating insights into the cutting-edge research conducted at the GlueX Experiment.
Over the...
Researchers at Tohoku University have discovered that mellow supermassive black holes play a significant role in the origin of high-energy cosmic particles.
The UK government, alongside the governments of France and Germany, has agreed to maintain their support of a world-leading neutron research centre for a further ten years.
Towards a ‘new physics’: calculations made by scientists at the University of Bonn support the hypothesis that the Standard Model of physics should be extended.
A group of scientists from Boston College have developed a novel metallic specimen whereby the motion of electrons flows in the same way water flows in a pipe, thereby changing from particle-like to fluid-like dynamics.
SNOLAB's Senior Research Scientist, Christine Kraus, explains how its latest astroparticle physics experiment - SNO+ - will enrich our understanding of CP-violation and the Universe.
Following the recommendations of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, CERN and its international partners are now studying the technical and financial feasibility of a 100km circular collider, the Future Circular Collider integrated project.
Professor Wick Haxton from the University of California Berkeley discusses neutrino experiments past and present and explains how solar neutrinos may also come to...