Pharmaceutical ResearchNews - Page 1

How vaccines can improve cardiovascular health in the EU

The EU needs additional measures to address existing gaps and enhance the effectiveness of initiatives to improve cardiovascular health.

MedSafetyWeek 2025: Preventing medicine side effects

MedSafetyWeek is part of efforts to raise awareness about the importance of reporting medicine side effects to regulatory authorities.

UK welcomes £50m boost for medicines manufacturing

The £50m deal with Accord will build a state-of-the-art medicines manufacturing facility incorporating the latest automation technology.

How explainable AI could speed up drug discovery

Explainable AI, a subset of standard AI technology, could help design new molecules for medications. Read more here.

Scientists discover superbug’s rapid path to vancomycin resistance

The hospital superbug C.diff rapidly evolves vancomycin resistance - the frontline drug used for treatment in the UK.

Breakthrough in high-performance computing revolutionises drug discovery

A breakthrough in high-performance computing is set to revolutionise drug discovery and unlock new ways to target a range of diseases.

Canada supports leading science and research infrastructure at University of Saskatchewan

Modern, high-quality research facilities and equipment are essential for breakthroughs in Canadian science and research.

Cyclic peptides discovery could develop new antibiotics to fight AMR

Experts at King College London have created a new method to develop cyclic peptides that could pioneer new antibiotics to combat AMR.

Simple infection control measures could prevent 750,000 AMR deaths annually

Research suggests that over 750,000 deaths from AMR could be prevented annually through existing infection control measures.

New 5-year plan to combat antimicrobial resistance

A UK national action plan on antimicrobial resistance will protect people and animals from the risk of drug-resistant infections.

Could combining two drugs be better for treating prostate cancer?

A clinical trial discovered that combining testosterone-blocking drugs is better at treating prostate cancer than single drug treatment.

New synthetic antibiotic teixobactin shown to be effective against superbugs

Researchers have developed a new synthetic antibiotic, teixobactin, which is more effective than established drugs against superbugs.

Oral peptides: A new era in drug development

Newly-developed oral peptides will address a long-standing challenge in the pharmaceutical industry. Read more here.

Do opioid medicines truly relieve cancer pain?

Researchers examining data on opioid medicines have found gaps in evidence about their benefits for cancer pain. Read more here.

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