PhysicsNews - Page 16

Electron-Ion Collider – discussing the science and concept

Professor John W Harris and Dr Thomas Ullrich outline the science case for the Electron-Ion Collider and what it is expected to achieve.

A career in particle physics: from nonexistence to being

Professor George W.S. Hou from National Taiwan University describes his journey in particle physics, from Belle at KEK to CMS at CERN. Taiwan was handed...

How CLAS12 and BGOOD are exploring nucleon excitations

Professors Philip L Cole, Kyungseon Joo, and Hartmut Schmieden are exploring the properties of subatomic matter through nucleon excitations.

Uniting the world with greater understanding of the Universe

Professor Hitoshi Murayama of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) discusses bringing people together in the quest...

Searching for the answers of the neutrino mass hierarchy

The search for the neutrino mass hierarchy is one of the most active and important areas in neutrino physics.

Advancing particle accelerator technology: power and precision

Professor Tor Raubenheimer outlines how particle accelerator technology has evolved and looks at what the future might hold.

A circular electron-positron Higgs factory for the world

Professor Xinchou Lou, outlines the need for a new high energy electron-position collider and what the Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC) could achieve.

UK to play key role in creation of world’s most powerful neutrino beams

The UK is to help build one of the most powerful linear accelerators, which will facilitate the world’s most powerful high-energy neutrino beams.

Nanomesh: nanoengineering 2D materials into complex 3D shapes

Researchers from the University of Bath have nanoengineered a network of 2D materials to create nanomesh and are observing the energy landscapes at the intersection of the materials.

Understanding the dark Universe with the Euclid mission

Discussing the Euclid mission and its ambitions to better understand the Universe’s mysterious dark matter and dark energy.

National Science Foundation: promoting the progress of science

The National Science Foundation (NSF) works to push the boundaries of knowledge, explains Physics Division Director, Dr Denise Caldwell.

CERN approves a new neutrino detector experiment at the LHC

CERN’s newly approved project, Scattering and Neutrino Detector at the Large Hadron Collider, will be the facility’s ninth experiment.

HV-CMOS sensors – the future of fundamental physics experiments

Dr Eva Vilella-Figueras discusses the revolutionary HV-CMOS silicon sensors her team are developing for fundamental physics experiments.

A new joint international physics research laboratory in Japan for the physics of the “two infinities”

The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the University of Tokyo collaborate in joint international research laboratory for physics at the smallest and...

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