PhysicsNews - Page 3

Quarks used to explore how matter gets its mass

Quarks, subatomic particles which hold an electric charge, can be used to determine how matter gets its mass.

Analysing the merging of water droplets on the International Space Station

Understanding how water droplets spread and coalesce is essential for scenarios in everyday life, but these phenomena are difficult to model.

Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment: Solving the Universe’s mysteries

Justin Evans from the University of Manchester details the UK’s contributions to the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment in the US.

Inside the CMS HL-LHC upgrades at Cornell University

Cornell's CMS detector will be upgraded to provide an integrated luminosity an order of magnitude larger than during the pre-High-Luminosity LHC.

Inside Virgo: Europe’s flagship gravitational wave detector

Giancarlo Cella details Italy’s Virgo interferometer, designed to detect gravitational waves predicted by the general theory of relativity.

What’s next for the CMS experiment?

As the Large Hadron Collider enters its Run 3 data-taking phase, Gaelle Boudoul explains what this means for the CMS experiment.

Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory deepens our understanding of dark matter

Read how Australia’s newly constructed Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory will enhance our understanding of dark matter and the Universe.

Exploring the production of N*s with pion and electron beams

Professor Philip L Cole explores using high-intensity pion and electron beams for revealing the inner structure of excited protons (N*s).

LIGO: Unravelling the mysteries of the Universe through gravitational wave detection

Discover how the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) Laboratory is advancing gravitational waves research.

Neutrino detectors: What are they good for?

Discover how neutrino detectors are useful for more than just detecting neutrinos, also discovering a variety of other theoretical particles.

Towards underground crystal growth and detector production in searching for ghost particles

Deciphering the origin of the Universe requires new crystal growth experiments to reduce their background from cosmogenic induced radioisotopes.

Bose-Einstein condensate created using quasiparticles for the first time

Physicists at the University of Tokyo have developed the first Bose-Einstein condensate from quasiparticles.

NASA’s DART mission: The importance of planetary defence

There has been a recent breakthrough in NASA’s DART mission, highlighting the importance of planetary defence systems.

What’s next for the ALICE Collaboration at CERN?

Discover the upgrades made to the ALICE detector during the LHC’s Long Shutdown period, outlined by CERN Spokesperson, Luciano Musa.

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