Quantum ScienceNews - Page 1

Quantum technology is the future. Will it be Canada’s?

Paul Smith from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics asks what it will take to bring the quantum technology revolution to fruition.

Innovating with topological chemistry: Quantum advancements at Université de Sherbrooke

Research at the Université de Sherbrooke in topological quantum materials is poised to revolutionise quantum technology.

2025: The international year of quantum science and technology

This year, the United Nations proclaimed 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. Discover more here.

Neural networks tackle one of the most difficult challenges in quantum chemistry

New research using neural networks proposes a solution to the tough challenge of modelling the states of molecules.

UK universities developing quantum technologies to solve dark matter mystery

Three of the UK’s leading universities are developing quantum technologies to solve one of the greatest mysteries in science – dark matter.

NIST develops world’s most accurate atomic clock

A team of scientists has pioneered the world's most accurate atomic clock – more precise than any previously created.

Scientists discover single-mode 1D superconductivity

University of Manchester researchers have achieved robust superconductivity in high magnetic fields using a new one-dimensional system.

Quantum tornado sheds light on black holes

For the first time, scientists have created a quantum tornado to mimic a black hole in superfluid helium.

Scientists step closer to the boundary between classical and quantum physics

Where the boundary between classical and quantum physics lies is one of science’s greatest mysteries, and in new research, scientists have unveiled a new platform that could find the answer.

New report outlines pro-innovation approach to regulating quantum technologies

A new report by the Regulatory Horizons Council has set out a pro-innovation approach to regulating quantum technologies, cementing the UK’s position as a global leader in the technology.

Quantum gravity detected by researchers for the first time

Scientists have successfully detected the quantum gravity of a tiny particle with a new technique that uses levitating magnets.

Shaping cold-atom trapping technology

Cold-atom trapping systems develop a more efficient and accessible system to simplify quantum technology. Read more here.

Researchers prolong quantum interactions in new experimental system

Researchers prolonged quantum interactions in an experimental system nearly 30-fold by using ultracold temperatures and laser wavelengths.

New project to test whether gravity is quantum

A new project is developing an experiment to test whether gravity is quantum – one of the deepest questions about our Universe.

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