Quantum ScienceNews - Page 3

Quantum materials will power the electronics of the future

New quantum materials can control the dynamics of electrons by curving the fabric of space in which they evolve.

Quarks used to explore how matter gets its mass

Quarks, subatomic particles which hold an electric charge, can be used to determine how matter gets its mass.

Scientists discover new quantum phase for developing hybrid materials

Scientists find a new quantum phase transition, where crystals achieve amorphous characteristics while retaining their crystalline properties.

Quantum calculations reveal new way to build 2D materials

Quantum calculations have assisted research into the growth of a significant 2D material, hexagonal boron nitride.

New scalable quantum processor can solve optimisation problems

A research group have made a breakthrough in solving optimisation problems, with the development of a fully scalable quantum processor.

New breakthrough towards efficient error correction in quantum technology

Researchers have developed a technique to control quantum states of light, which will pave the way for solving errors in quantum technology.

Next-generation atomic clocks: Advancing quantum technology

A research team from Birmingham University, a part of the UK Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing, has developed next-generation atomic clocks. A research team of...

Understanding the behaviour of microscopic quantum magnets

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics have utilised a quantum gas microscope to explore the behaviour of microscopic quantum magnets. The behaviour...

New universal reaction mechanism to change the future of nanochemsitry

A universal reaction mechanism, proposed by KAUST scientists, could explain the formation of carbon nanoparticles in interstellar and terrestrial environments. Carbon nanostructures that are formed...

Creating efficient and high-speed spintronic devices

A research team has successfully created efficient and high-speed spintronic devices to look at spin dynamics inside rare earth materials, using a tabletop ultrafast...

Eruption of a magnetar reveals high-frequency oscillations

An international scientific group has managed to measure for the first-time oscillations in the brightness of a neutron star (magnetar) during its most violent...

Producing highly sensitive quantum magnetometers

The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF) has developed quantum magnetometers based on diamonds. The quantum magnetometers, developed by the Fraunhofer IAF by...

The LHCb reveals how antimatter is created in cosmic collisions

LHCb researchers analyse particle collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to determine whether antimatter that is detected by experiments in space could originate from dark matter. The...

Producing quantum dots in a regular arrangement

Researchers from the Universität Bochum (RUB) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a technique to improve the manufacturing process of producing quantum...

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