Quantum ScienceNews - Page 7

New research collaboration enables quantum-secure communications

A study led by Quantum Communications Hub researchers has brought the world one step closer to secure conference calls by facilitating quantum-secure communications.

Scientists find evidence of pristine quantum criticality

Researchers investigating pristine quantum criticality in topological materials have discovered one of the greatest examples detected so far.

New methods of distributing quantum encryption keys from space

A novel mission using quantum technology to encrypt messages from space is to be tested on a satellite as part of a new programme.

Researchers develop light emitter for quantum circuits

Researchers from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) have developed a method of emitting light for use in quantum circuits.

Controlling trapped ions for scalable quantum control

Researchers at the University of Waterloo's Institute for Quantum Computing have developed an algorithm that controls trapped ions for scalable quantum control.

Researchers create guidelines for defect-based quantum systems

An international research team has established guidelines that will be valuable for the discovery of new defect-based quantum systems.

New research calls hypothetical spin liquids into question

Measurements attained by researchers at TU Wien indicate that new routes must be taken to identify materials that can be utilised as spin liquids.

How studying neutrinos can help us to better understand the Universe

Professors Luis A Anchordoqui from CUNY and Vanderbilt University’s Thomas J Weiler explain how neutrinos help us to understand the Universe.

Gas accretion responsible for the mass of stars

Researchers from Japan have discovered that a star's mass is determined by the gas accretion from its core, not the mass at its inception. The...

Demonstrating atom interferometry in space for the first time

A team of researchers has successfully performed atom interferometry in space, on board a sounding rocket, for the first time.

Using molecules that respond to light to build qubit systems for quantum computers

Researchers have advanced the development of quantum computers using light-addressable molecules for qubit systems.

Detecting quantum transmissions without destroying quantum information

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics have developed a method for detecting quantum transmissions without destroying the quantum information.

Advancing quantum technologies: developing 3D networks for light particles

Scientists have successfully created 3D networks for photons, giving pairs of entangled light particles new freedoms and making them usable for high-performance quantum technologies.

VTT’s quantum technology in Finland and Europe

Himadri Majumdar, manager at VTT, discusses the research centre's role in delivering quantum technology to Finland and Europe.

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