Quantum ScienceNews - Page 8

The ups and downs of atmospheric neutrinos

Henry W Sobel from the University of California, Irvine discusses how atmospheric neutrinos lead to the discovery of neutrino mass.

Study using ultracold atoms sheds new light on an unknown quantum phenomenon

Researchers at the University of Bonn, Germany, have used ultracold atoms to study a previously unknown quantum phenomenon.

What happens when supersolid materials are destabilised?

Physicists from Innsbruck and Geneva have investigated what happens when supersolid materials are brought out of balance.

Scientists have used a small quantum computer to solve a major problem in the aviation industry

Researchers have shown that they can solve a small part of a major logistics problem with their small quantum computer.

The University of Birmingham aims to test its quantum-enabled radar detection system using compact atomic clock oscillators

The University of Birmingham, UK, has announced plans to test the precision of its quantum-enabled radar detection system.

Scientists have achieved the first visualisation of quantum dots in bilayer graphene

The first visualisation of quantum dots in bilayer graphene, revealing the shape of the quantum wave function of the trapped electrons.

New cost-effective way of tuning laser wavelengths to infrared

A team of researchers at Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) has discovered a cost-effective way of tuning laser wavelengths to infrared. The INRS...

Quantum key distribution – securing Europe’s cyberspace

Dr Hannes Hübel, the project manager of OPENQKD speaks to Innovation News Network about the adoption of quantum key distribution in Europe. OPENQKD, a pilot...

Probing the Universe’s ‘ghost particle’

Yale University’s Professor Karsten Heeger and Temple University’s Professor Jim Napolitano outline the study of neutrino oscillations with Daya Bay and PROSPECT: a collaboration...

The Electron-Ion Collider – a new frontier in nuclear physics

Doon Gibbs, Director of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Stuart Henderson, Director of the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, discuss the Electron-Ion Collider –...

UK priorities and the European Strategy for Particle Physics

The Executive Chair of the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Professor Mark Thomson, discusses the recent update to the European Strategy for...

Quantum negativity could help revolutionise measuring technologies

Researchers from the University of Cambridge, Harvard, and MIT have demonstrated that a physical property called ‘quantum negativity’ can allow particles to carry an...

EURAMET – driving excellence in spintronics research

EURAMET explains how European collaborative spintronics research is supporting future developments in electronics. EURAMET European research projects are addressing the needs of industry through important...

New project to create new quantum materials with extraordinary properties

As part of a recently launched collaborative research project, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) aims to create new quantum materials by exploiting the strong...

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