SatellitesNews - Page 5

Studying the impact of solar wind on Earth’s magnetic field

Researchers from the University of Leicester have provided a vital element for a novel mission to examine the effect of the solar wind on Earth’s magnetic field.

Research indicates satellite images can aid environmental land management

Researchers at the University of Surrey have demonstrated that satellite images can be utilised to facilitate environmental land management.

Significant steps towards tackling the dangers of space junk have been achieved

Researchers at the University of Warwick are tackling the challenges posed by space junk with a groundbreaking new research centre in the UK.

Satellite advancements for the fine-scale observation of the Earth’s surface

Environmental scientists at the University of Hong Kong solve significant observational issues of satellites to advance the fine-scale observation of the Earth’s surface.

Physicists accurately quantify the electric field of the Sun

Physicists have calculated a definitive measurement of the Sun's electric field, providing insights into its effects on Earth.

Researchers make progress in attaining reliable space weather forecasts

A team of researchers at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) have been able to obtain reliable space weather forecasts.

Understanding the Earth’s ionosphere to improve communications

Solar flares jetting out from the Sun and thunderstorms on Earth influence the planet's ionosphere, impacting long range communications.

British spaceflight will soon be possible for the first time

Groundbreaking new developments could lead to British spaceflight, with rockets and satellites potentially launching from UK soil as early as 2022.

UK companies unite to build innovative beam-hopping satellite

A consortium of UK space technology companies is developing a new beam-hopping satellite that will enable satellites to shift which part of the world they cover.

Unprecedented insight into the precise age of the stars in our galaxy

Researchers have been successful in ascertaining the age of some of the oldest stars in our galaxy with extraordinary accuracy by merging data from the stars’ oscillations with information about their chemical composition.

New methods of distributing quantum encryption keys from space

A novel mission using quantum technology to encrypt messages from space is to be tested on a satellite as part of a new programme.

Using Artificial Intelligence to effectively monitor water quality

Researchers at the University of Stirling have developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) to monitor water quality more effectively.

Using radar satellites to protect against bushfires and floods

Researchers at Curtin University have discovered that radar satellites can enhance the ability to protect against natural disasters.

NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter succeeds in historical first flight

NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter has become the first aircraft in history to make a powered, controlled flight on another planet.

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