Space ExplorationNews - Page 12

Space radiation experiment reveals dangers of human space flights

An experiment performed onboard the ISS has revealed the potential dangers posed by space radiation during human space flights.

Astrophysicists make exciting discovery about radio signals in black holes

A research team led by Tohoku University have confirmed the presence of plasma loading mechanism within black holes.

Exploring the formation of volcanic exoplanets 

A group of Cornell researchers have modelled and synthesised lava in the laboratory to discover how volcanic exoplanets are formed. 

Exciting discovery of a ‘heat wave’ in Jupiter’s atmosphere

Scientists at the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency have unexpectedly discovered a planetary scale ‘heat wave’ in Jupiter’s atmosphere.

Passing dwarf galaxy caused wave motions in the Milky Way

A team of researchers have used data from the Gaia telescope to show that a passing dwarf galaxy caused ripples in parts of the Milky Way.

Exploring the Moon with four-legged jumping robots

A four-legged robot has been trained through Artificial Intelligence to explore the Moon’s most challenging terrains.

Exoplanets study reveals uniqueness of Earth’s climate

Studies carried out on terrestrial exoplanets have highlighted that the land-water balance of Earth is unique to our planet.

Perseverance Rover unveils exciting ancient Mars discovery

A study has revealed surprising findings from the Perseverance Rover that illustrate the enigmatic history of Mars.

Potentially habitable super-Earth discovered with SPECULOOS telescopes

An international research team has identified two super-Earth planets orbiting the LP 890-9 star using SPECULOOS telescopes.

Subsurface water on Mars subverts predictions

A new analysis of seismic data from NASA’s Mars InSight mission has led to several revelations about water on Mars.

Space Situational Awareness: Achieving space sustainability

Connie McCreath, Operations Manager of Northern Space and Security Ltd, discusses the company’s critical role in the Space Situational Awareness industry. Space has become a...

Researchers challenge Einstein’s theory using extreme stars

An international research team have conducted a 16-year long experiment with the aim to challenge Einstein’s theory of general relativity. A research team from the...

Super-Earth observed near the habitable zone of red dwarf

A super-Earth planet has been discovered near the habitable zone of a red dwarf star only 37 light-years from the Earth. The new discovery of...

Analysing large carbonaceous molecules in cosmic environments

Dr Christine Joblin of the CNRS and her colleague Dr Hassan Sabbah of the University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier highlight the ability...

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