Space TechnologyNews - Page 22

Water in space and the formation of new planets

Professor Edwin Bergin from the University of Michigan’s Department of Astronomy explains why a better understanding of water in space is crucial in understanding...

EDRS – the ‘SpaceDataHighway’ for Earth Observation data

EDRS Project Manager, Michael Witting, speaks to The Innovation Platform about how the SpaceDataHighway has evolved and what the future might hold. Dubbed the ‘SpaceDataHighway’,...

Sustainable innovation – the commercial future of the British space sector

Innovation News Network’s digital editor, Caitlin Magee, spoke to Daniel Smith, the creative director and founder of AstroAgency, about the future of the British...

Scientist discover green gel on the far side of the Moon

Using the Chang'e-4 rover, scientists have discovered an unusual dark green gel-like substance in a crater on the far side of the Moon. A research...

Searching for the sources of high energy cosmic rays

Professor Pierre Sokolsky of the Telescope Array Project speaks to The Innovation Platform about the significance of laboratory expansion in finding the source of...

Five new innovative micropropulsion systems for nanosatellites

The Innovation Platform speaks to Dr David Carroll, President of Champaign-Urbana Aerospace, about the latest innovations in micropropulsion systems for nanosatellites. Founded in 1998, Champaign-Urbana...

Engineers build new space test chamber in the UK

A 16m long space test chamber has been installed at the National Satellite Test Facility, UK. This equipment will allow the UK to prepare...

NASA invites students to design new innovative spacesuit technologies

On Thursday, 11 June, NASA will hold virtual student presentations for the results of their new spacesuit technology challenge. As part of NASA’s Artemis Student...

NASA’s pilot Entrepreneurs Challenge welcomes innovative technologies

NASA has launched their pilot Entrepreneurs Challenge, which welcomes innovative ideas that support the development of new scientific instruments and technologies. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate...

New model to determine the structure and composition of neutron stars

A team of researchers at the University of Birmingham have created a new model for understanding the structure and composition of neutron stars. The newly...

Discussing innovation in the space sector with the European Commission

The Innovation Platform met with the Director General of the European Commission’s DG CONNECT in Brussels to discuss innovation in the space sector. The 12th...

SatRevolution on using technology to tackle overcrowding in space

In an interview with Innovation News Network, Tomasz Pozniak, Chief Development Officer at SatRevolution, discusses the effect the growing satellite market will have on...

New funding for businesses utilising innovative space technology

The European Space Agency’s Space Solutions has offered funding to businesses who are using innovative space technologies. The European Space Agency’s Space Solutions (ESA BA)...

Thierry Breton on achieving an ambitious European Space Agenda

"With space, we are constantly testing the limit of the technological frontier for the benefit of mankind" - European Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry...

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