The Innovation Platform Issue 12News - Page 7

Advanced exploration at the newest uranium/vanadium district in Argentina

Blue Sky Uranium aims to deliver exceptional returns to shareholders by advancing uranium-vanadium projects to the prefeasibility study stage.

Decommissioning and remediation of NORM-affected mining and processing

Dr Hagen Gunther Jung, Director of GeoEnergy Consult, discusses the decommissioning and remediation of mining and processing affected by Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM).

Storelectric’s energy storage solutions can overpower energy transition challenges

Why innovations in energy storage are crucial to combatting the challenges associated with the energy transition.

Rare earths: An essential part of the green energy revolution

Mining and minerals exploration specialist American Lithium Minerals shares updates from its Kingman and Hicks Dome rare earths projects.

Securing Sri Lanka’s place in the global graphite supply chain

Don Baxter, CEO of Ceylon Graphite, examines the importance of Sri Lankan vein graphite and highlights the company's future endeavours.

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