The Innovation Platform Issue 19News - Page 1

Advancing trustworthy AI with RAIDO’s revolutionary green tech

Discover how RAIDO is transforming AI development through energy-efficient and ethically-minded technologies.

Smarter asset management and risk mitigation – how wireless remote monitoring is changing the mining landscape

Chris Emery, VP of Senceive Ltd, discusses enhancing remote mine risk monitoring by combining sensors, highlighting the benefits.

Tritium technology for nuclear fuel cycle research

For over three decades, the Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe has pioneered safe tritium handling and fuel cycle research. Read more here.

Sustainability in mining: Navigating challenges and solutions

Andy Birtles, Strategic Advisor for Extraction at IOM3, illustrates some of the challenges and solutions regarding sustainable mining.

TUS pioneers industrial-grade, sustainable polymer solutions

TUS is developing low-carbon, industrial-grade plastic packaging solutions to address the increasing issue of plastic waste.

LithiumBank: Advancing the lithium industry in Canada with continuous DLE technology

Kevin Piepgrass, COO at LithiumBank Resources, explores the company’s lithium projects in Western Canada and continuous DLE technology.

Fast-tracking the UK’s power electronics future

Joe Dobson, Project Delivery Lead at APC, reflects on the importance and opportunities within the power electronics sector.

Biomining the elements of the future

EcoBiome Metals is revolutionising the recovery and processing of metals through sustainable and cutting-edge biomining technology.

The Aurora supercomputer achieves exascale

Learn about the monumental achievement of exascale by the Aurora supercomputer at Argonne National Laboratory.

Converging needs: Satellite technology for disaster response and defence applications

Developments in satellite communication enables real-time intelligence and advanced data analysis. Read more here.

Identifying impacts, reducing risks, and finding solutions to global climate change

Dr Jackie Dawson explains how the Environment, Society and Policy Group at University of Ottawa develops solutions for global climate change.

TRISECTOR: Circularity in mining waste management

Trisector has developed innovative processes for recycling mining waste into premium-quality products. Read more here.

Tracking, data sharing and introducing IFF for space traffic management

3S Northumbria aims to help develop a global space traffic management system for sustainable space use. Read more here.

Enhancing mineral exploration with AI: Mineural’s path to sustainable mining

Leveraging AI, Mineural enhances efficiency, minimises environmental impact, and reduces financial risk for mineral exploration.

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