The Innovation Platform Issue 19News - Page 3

Strengthening Canadian research and innovation on the world stage

Canada's association to Horizon Europe will drive research and innovation in Canada and beyond. Read more here.

Restructuring Alberta’s energy market: An opportunity for innovation

Energy Storage Canada discusses Alberta's electricity market redesign, and how to address existing challenges and support market evolution.

Innovating climate-positive housing for a sustainable future

Adopting sustainable building materials is crucial for reducing carbon emissions, conserving resources, and improving health and well-being.

The JUICE mission’s Lunar-Earth flyby

The European Space Agency spoke with The Innovation Platform ahead of the JUICE mission’s pioneering lunar-earth flyby.

Analysing progress in developing Europe’s energy storage sector

EIT InnoEnergy’s Thematic Leader of Smartgrid and Storage, Johan Soderböm discusses Europe's energy storage potential.

Canada’s battery metals sector: A cause for optimism

BMAC highlights the developments that indicate Canada’s strong position in the global battery metals industry.

Montréal North Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre: A beacon of research and innovation

CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal drives health and social transformation in Québec through innovative research and advanced technology.

Adopting technology into your business is a journey, not a quick fix

Everyone loves new technology, but many underestimate the difficulty of implementing sustainability in the workforce.

Transforming conventional oil barrels into ‘blue barrels’

Using its oxy-fuel,, TriGen Energy produces ‘blue barrels’ to help oil and gas producers transition towards net-zero emissions.

CNA: Leading the charge in sustainable development through education

CNA is committed to integrating sustainability into its academic environment and promoting cutting-edge green technologies and research.

Hyperspectral imaging in mining: Boosting efficiency and enhancing sustainability

Norsk Elektro Optikk AS explain how HySpex hyperspectral cameras in mining can offer innovative ways to explore and monitor mines efficiently.

W2Power: Innovative floating wind technology to transform the renewable energy landscape

Discover how EnerOcean’s W2Power floating wind platform is advancing on proven mature offshore technologies.

The critical importance of boron supply in North America

5E Advanced Materials is the newest producer in ‘The Boron Triangle’ of California, bringing more of this critical resource to the market.

NSCAD: Bringing research into the community

NSCAD University details its innovative research programmes that work with the community, for the community.

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