Terra Balcanica Resources Corp. (CSE:TERA; FRA:UB1) has provided an update on the Phase I and II exploration drilling within its principal 168km2 Viogor-Zanik project in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The Company completed approximately 2,200m of drilling along a shallow, high-grade, silver-dominated, intermediate sulfidation polymetallic Ag-Au-Pb-Zn-Sb vein system at the locality known as Chumavichi (Fig. 1 and 2).
This semi-continuous, 7.2km-long structural corridor associated with a low magnetic response was previously largely untested by drilling and hosts altered volcanic tuffs and breccias with occurrences of massive Pb, Zn and Fe sulphides.
At the Company’s second Viogor-Zanik target of Brezani (Fig.1 and 3), Terra discovered a surficial auriferous skarn superimposed on an Ag-Pb-Zn-Au mineralised, NE-shallowing structural system itself overlying porphyry andesites stock from 550 m of depth.

The target is characterised by overlapping 1.2km wide magnetic and EM anomalies with over 700 metres wide Au-Bi-Zn anomaly at surface and banded skarn outcrops with sphalerite and chalcopyrite.
Similar geophysical signatures are detected at the 4.6 Moz Au Eq. Rogozna Au-Cu skarn project in SW Serbia (https://ibaera.com/rogozna-shanac-resources-increase-to-4-6-moz-au-eq/). The Company completed approximately 1,200m of diamond drilling at Brezani, with additional assays to be released shortly.
Viogor Zanik project highlights
- Maiden Chumavichi Ridge drill hole CMVDD001 intercepted 824.2 g/t AgEq. over 4.0m from 29m of depth, including 1,634.4 g/t AgEq. over 2.0 metres
- Chumavichi Ridge drill hole CMVDD002 intercepted 816.1 g/t AgEq. over 2.0m
- CMVDD003, an 83-metre step-out from CMVDD001, intercepted a vein interval of 465.5 g/t AgEq. over 8.7 metres, including 1196.6 g/t AgEq. over 2.0 metres, and is open at depth
- The step-out drill hole CMVDD005 returned 284 g/t AgEq over 10.0m, including 895.8 g/t AgEq over 2.0m (see Fig. 3) approximately 50m west-northwest of CMVDD002
- The Chumavichi Ridge drill hole CMVDD004 along the same drill fence 40m northeast of CMVDD005 returned 505.3 g/t AgEq over 11.0 m from 43.0m depth, including 3075.4 g/t AgEq (108.5 oz/t AgEq) over 1.7m
- Shallow, polymetallic mineralisation was also intersected 600 m NW of the discovery hole at the Cumavici Ridge, where two drill holes through a new parallel structure returned 531 g/t AgEq over 0.75m (CMV23007), and 355 g/t AgEq over 1.10m (CMV23009)
- The Phase II drill hole CMV23004 intersected 1,168 g/t AgEq over 1.35 m from 36.2m downhole to add 42m strike length SE of CMVDD002 with mineralisation remaining open and untested down-dip (Fig. 2)
- Drillhole CMV23003 intersected 457 g/t AgEq over 4.15m from 43.85m downhole and points to a wider down-dip continuation of the high-grade mineralisation from the previously reported CMV23004 (Fig. 2)
- Drill testing of the 650m-wide, conductivity high at the centre of a 1.2km wide anomalously magnetic rock volume at Brezani intercepted 0.61 g/t AuEq over 88.0 m (BREDD002) and 0.58 g/t AuEq over 28.6m (BREDD001). Continuation of this drill hole along the same azimuth and dip to a depth of 674m has intercepted a substantial width of low to intermediate sulphidation epithermal mineralisation and potassically altered porphyritic andesites overprinted by chlorite from 550 m depth (Fig. 3)

Terra Balcanica CEO, Dr Aleksandar Mišković, commented: “After a year of systematic targeting followed by approximately 3,400 m of diamond drilling over the last two years, we’re proud to lay claims to two precious metal-rich, polymetallic discoveries at an emerging European mining jurisdiction.
“Our systematic high-grade silver intercepts from two of the five defined Chumavichi corridor targets are indications of its outstanding potential, considering it is located only 7km west of Mineco’s silver mine at Sase. Our recent discovery of similar polymetallic mineralisation at Brezani adds further value to this multi-domain target.”

He continued: “There, a significant mineralised intercept underlies the previously confirmed auriferous skarn starting from surface and overlies a porphyry system which Terra has been targeting at Viogor-Zanik from the very outset.
“We believe the potential of our discovery at Brezani is tremendous considering the shallowing of the epithermal mineralisation along a presumed fault to the northeast and stratigraphic intercept below the boiling horizon, which will be targeted by our future drill programmes. Collectively, this is a thrilling development for Terra as we aim to release assay results from an additional five drill holes at Brezani and prepare for a continued definition of this massive magmatic-hydrothermal system in eastern Bosnia.”
Upcoming results
Laboratory assay results from a section of drill hole BREDD002 below 215 m depth (Fig. 3) are pending QA/QC verification and will be released imminently. Additionally, four more diamond drill holes (BRE23001-004) between 120 and 160 m that tested the surface gold-bearing calc-silicates and magmatic breccias will be released in the coming months.