The biocompatibility of titanium nickelide for medical implants

A team of physicists are now studying the biocompatibility of an innovative porous material, based on titanium nickelide (TiNi), with human tissue for medical implants.

This research is intended to develop a set of conditions that will facilitate the creation of alloy based TiNi with characteristics that enable the cold temperature manufacturing of medical implants or devices.

Researchers from Tomsk State University (TSU), Russia, have previously developed a new method to produce alloys with special terraces to improve adhesion with living tissue. With the support of the Russian Science Foundation, these researchers are developing conditions for producing porous samples based on TiNi of various compositions and structures.

Biocompatible porous-permeable materials based on TiNi

“The material used for implants has a lot of properties: porosity, pore distribution, average pore size, chemical composition, and deformability—but for each case certain parameters are needed. Strength is more important in some places, and elsewhere, the ability to stretch and contract together with the tissues of the human body,” says Sergei Anikeev, TSU Laboratory of Medical Alloys and Implants with Shape Memory.

In order to test samples of different configurations for compatibility with living tissues, researchers from TSU will use breast cancer cells.

“We put the material in the cell medium and see how the cells grow or die there. And then, depending on this test, we decide what needs to be improved and how to modify the material,” says Oleg Kokorev, MD TSU Laboratory of Medical Alloys and Implants with Shape Memory.

The project results will be used as the basis for the development of domestic technology for new biocompatible porous-permeable materials based on TiNi with optimal structural and functional properties for implantology. However, the scientists emphasise that such alloys will also be in demand for creating materials for operation in climates with extreme temperatures.

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