The EQUALITY project: Advancing towards quantum algorithms

Quantum computing is one of the frontiers of research and innovation due to its potential to outperform classical computers in solving certain tasks.

However, using current quantum algorithms requires grappling with the limitations of this nascent technology.

The Horizon-funded EQUALITY project’s objective is to develop a full stack of technologies comprised of core quantum algorithms and hardware: a set of enabling technologies to make the most of the imperfect Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) hardware and a set of use cases where quantum computing is expected to have the largest impact.

Significant advances in quantum algorithms

During the project’s first 18 months, the consortium has developed novel quantum approaches to optimisation, analysed noise in quantum bits and its impact on applied computations, and tailored quantum circuits.

Project partners have also made notable scientific advances aimed at efficiently using quantum algorithms, which is extremely important in the context of near-term quantum computing applications.

Among them are efficient approaches to circuit cutting, analogue approaches for solving partial differential equations, efficient estimations of quantum noise with blind quantum computation, and hardware-oriented compilation of quantum circuits.

Finally, an API for a quantum routine used for partial differential equation systems has been established, enabling further research and potentially experimental testing of the routine for applications relevant to the aerospace industry, one of EQUALITY’s target use cases.

About the EQUALITY project

The EQUALITY (QUAntum ALgorithms for IndusTrY) consortium was selected by Horizon Europe to develop innovative quantum algorithms that can solve strategic industrial problems.

The partners will receive a cumulative €6m funding from the European Commission between 2022 and 2025.

EQUALITY targets industrial use cases that can benefit from the quantum-enabled speed-up in the near and medium terms. These are computational fluid dynamics for aerospace and energy applications, the design of batteries and fuel cells, the development of new materials for energy applications, multidisciplinary optimisation, space mission optimisation, and space data analysis.

By transforming current industrial interest into widespread adoption, EQUALITY solidifies the link between strategic European industries and the emerging quantum ecosystem while contributing to technologies critical to the green transition.


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