Energising equality: The essential role of diversity in the energy sector

Marine Cornelis, Executive Director at Next Energy Consumer, Digital Ambassador of the European Sustainable Energy Week 2024, explores the importance of diversity in the energy sector to drive the energy transition.

In a world crying out for sustainable energy solutions, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) still represent an untapped potential. Why are those notions essential to a just energy transition? How can organisations promote these values to innovate and prosper?

Embracing diversity in the energy sector: More than a trend

The energy sector, a pivotal player in greenhouse gas emissions and historically suffering from a lack of diversity, with women representing only 22% of its workforce, faces significant challenges.

In this context, diversity in the energy sector becomes critical for a successful and equitable energy transition. A diverse workforce fosters innovative, effective problem-solving and better solution adoption.

This is echoed by the International Energy Agency (IEA), which stresses that DEI is key to addressing the urgent need for universal energy access by 2030, as highlighted in the joint IEA-IRENA-World Bank-WHO report on SDG7. However, the energy sector is lagging in implementing effective DEI initiatives, often limiting them to anti-discrimination measures.

Intersectionality: A path to energy justice

Beyond gender-based discrimination, the energy sector must embrace intersectionality – the recognition that various social categorisations like class, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and others intersect, leading to complex forms of discrimination.

Acknowledging this is crucial for designing targeted, inclusive, and equitable solutions. As demonstrated by EU projects like EmpowerMed, CEES, Sun4All, or PowerUp, addressing intersectionality is vital in combatting energy poverty and promoting energy justice, ensuring the energy transition is inclusive and leaves no one behind.

Inclusive practices in energy organisations

Knowledge building and bias combatting are essential for the energy sector to mirror the diversity of the communities it serves. The European Commission’s Equality Platform for the Energy Sector or the European Solar Sector’s Diversity Award are examples of initiatives promoting equality.

Organisations must foster inclusive cultures where diversity in the energy sector is valued and tokenism is avoided. This involves fair hiring practices, ongoing education, awareness programs, and mentorship opportunities. Leaders must be proactive in creating and adapting inclusive policies.

Diversity: The fifth driver of energy transition

The European Sustainable Energy Week has been instrumental in bringing forward the four drivers of the energy transition: democratisation, decentralisation, digitalisation, and decarbonisation.

Joshua Atkins, the founder of the NGO “Pride in Energy” which advocates for LGBTQI+ rights in the sector, in the Energ’ Ethic podcast, suggests adding a fifth ‘D’: Diversity. Valuing diverse experiences and perspectives is crucial for the cohesive and effective advancement of the energy sector.

Conclusion: Shaping a sustainable future

Integrating DEI in the energy sector is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic necessity.

It’s imperative for energy organisations to actively incorporate these values into their strategies, fostering a culture where diversity is celebrated, equity pursued, and inclusion is the standard.

This approach to driving diversity in the energy sector will pave the way for a more sustainable and equitable future in energy.

This article is a contribution from a partner. All rights reserved.

Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of the information in the article. The opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and should not be considered as representative of the European Commission’s official position.

Useful links

  1. European Institute for Gender Equality https://eige.europa.eu
  2. EU Platform of Diversity Charters https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/combatting-discrimination/tackling-discrimination/diversity-and-inclusion-initiatives/eu-platform-diversity-charters_en
  3. European Network Against Racism (ENAR) https://www.enar-eu.org

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