UK announces €22 million direct loan for Angolan clean water project

UK Export Finance (UKEF) has announced a €22 million direct loan to support the construction of a rural clean water project in the Quiminha region of Angola that British firms will deliver.

The project will rehabilitate the Quiminha Dam and deliver new infrastructure for water storage and distribution. This will provide access to clean water for around 100,000 people in rural communities like Vila Catete, Vila Quiminha, Vila Lalama, Calumbunze, and Camizunzo.

The project is expected to improve living conditions and support economic development in the Quiminha region – an important agricultural area – by providing a reliable source of potable water that can also meet industrial and agricultural needs.

The UKEF loan secures new opportunities for UK exporters, which are expected to deliver around €8m in UK subcontracts.

Transforming lives with clean water supplies

This ground-breaking deal will provide vital clean water management that will transform lives.

UK Minister for Africa Lord Collins of Highbury explained: “Our partnership with Angola is strong, and this funding will provide huge benefits, including new water supplies and protection from the harsh impacts of climate-related events, including drought.

“By teaming up to tackle climate change now, we are creating a resilient and sustainable future, it is clear we can go far when we work together.”

Fostering economic growth in Angola

The clean water financing in Angola aligns with the UK’s commitment to drive capital into areas that require sustainable infrastructure across its markets.

This will make a positive difference across UK geographies and communities.

Head of Export Finance, Natalia González-Úbeda at Elecnor Servicios y Proyectos S.A.U., said: “We are extremely proud to continue contributing after 30 years to the development and clean growth of Angola in both the water and energy sectors.”

She concluded: “Thanks to our partners from UKEF and Standard Chartered for their support in our third transaction with UKEF in Angola, by investing in drinking water projects, we are not only ensuring access to clean water to the region but also underscoring our dedication to fostering economic growth and enhancing the quality of life in Angola.”


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