UK celebrates 70 years of particle physics research at CERN

The new UK government and leading figures from the particle physics community are backing Professor Mark Thomson’s vision for the future of CERN as the global science community marks the institution’s 70th anniversary over the coming weeks.

CERN is the world’s foremost centre for particle physics research and has made an unrivalled contribution to our understanding of the Universe.

The UK is one of the 12 founding members of CERN and is its second-largest financial backer.

The UK has been a critical contributor to all major experiments and discoveries at CERN, including the landmark discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012.

Major scientific breakthroughs made at CERN

Breakthroughs made at CERN have quite literally changed the world.

It was the birthplace of the World Wide Web, and advances in particle physics research developed there have opened up new ways of treating cancer.

CERN is proof that backing curiosity-driven science leads to innovations that deliver new jobs, new businesses, and ultimately, economic growth and a better quality of life for everyone.

Appointment of a new Director-General

CERN’s anniversary comes at a critical time for its future. This autumn, a new Director-General will be selected following a vote among the organisation’s member states.

Renowned Cambridge University particle physicist Professor Mark Thomson is the UK’s candidate for the role, running on a platform to develop a strategic plan for CERN’s upcoming major investment decisions, strengthen links with all of CERN’s member states, and build an inclusive culture for CERN staff.

Professor Thomson said: “It’s inspiring to reflect on the seventy years of particle physics research CERN has delivered, advancing our understanding of the Universe at its most fundamental level.

“I wish to ensure that CERN’s profound contributions to our understanding of the Universe continue.

“To succeed, we must bring the whole CERN family together with a clear vision for an even brighter future. I have the scientific credentials, experience, and vision to lead CERN and deliver for its scientific community, its brilliant staff, and each one of its member states.”

The future of particle physics research

CERN faces decisions in the coming years that will profoundly shape its future, including the delivery of a major upgrade to the Large Hadron Collider.

If elected, Professor Thomson would develop an ambitious strategic plan for how CERN develops and makes major investment decisions over the next five years, strengthen links with all of CERN’s member states, and build an inclusive and supportive culture for CERN staff.

UK Science and Technology Secretary Peter Kyle concluded: “When we work together, we can aim higher and go further, and nowhere is that truer than at CERN.

“I am proud of the role the UK has played in CERN, going back to its foundation 70 years ago. It has brought some of Europe’s and the world’s greatest minds together at the absolute cutting edge of particle physics research.”

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