US invests $65m in quantum computing research

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced a significant $65m investment in quantum computing research, funding ten projects with a total of 38 separate awards.

These projects aim to advance the capabilities of quantum computing, a technology with the potential to revolutionise problem-solving in modern science by overcoming the limitations of classical computing.

The transformative potential of quantum computing

Quantum computing has the potential to transform how we process information, offering new ways to tackle problems that even the most advanced supercomputers struggle with today.

By leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, quantum computers are expected to solve large, complex scientific challenges more quickly and efficiently than traditional computers.

Ceren Susut, DOE Associate Director of Science for Advanced Scientific Computing Research, emphasised the transformative potential of this technology: “With these awards, we are equipping scientists with computational tools that will open new frontiers of scientific discovery.

“Quantum computers may ultimately revolutionise many fields by solving problems that are currently out of reach.”

Focus on software and control systems

This $65m investment will primarily target software, control systems, and algorithmic advancements, which are critical to demonstrating the practical utility of quantum computing for scientific research.

The funded projects will focus on improving the entire software stack, from programming tools to control systems that can manage quantum systems at scale.

Key areas of research include the development of quantum algorithms that offer error detection, prevention, and correction, ensuring the resilience and performance of quantum systems.

By creating robust software ecosystems, researchers aim to achieve modularity, interoperability, and specialisation in quantum computing applications.

Quantum computing research and the National Quantum Initiative

The U.S. Congress passed the National Quantum Initiative Act in December 2018, recognising the vast potential of Quantum Information Science (QIS) and the need to stay ahead of international competition in this field.

The DOE’s Office of Science is a major partner in this initiative, launching a range of research programmes that address various aspects of QIS.

These quantum computing research projects span from single-discipline investigations to large, integrated centres dedicated to exploring the potential of the technology.

The goal is to ensure that the United States maintains its leadership in quantum computing research while also advancing scientific discovery in fields like energy, materials science, and medicine.

The total funding for these projects amounts to $65m over a five-year period, with $14m allocated for Fiscal Year 2024.

Further funding will depend on future congressional appropriations. This investment underscores the nation’s commitment to advancing quantum computing research and ensuring it remains at the forefront of this groundbreaking technology.

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