Valorisation in fusion research and technology: Creating value from knowledge

The Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER) focuses on creating economic and societal value from knowledge, leveraging its research infrastructure to collaborate with industry, reducing risks and costs while advancing technology.

As a renowned Dutch research institute, DIFFER has a prominent position in the innovation ecosystem. Valorisation lies at the heart of the institute’s strategy, with a focus on co-evolution, technology transfer and spin-outs.

‘Valorisation is the process of creating value from knowledge by making knowledge suitable and/or available for economic and/or societal use and translating that knowledge into products, services, processes, and entrepreneurial activity.’ With that definition of the Dutch Rathenau Institute in mind, we take a look at valorisation in fusion. What is DIFFER, the Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research, doing to drive valorisation?

Big science ecosystem

It’s interesting to look at the role of a Dutch NWO institute in the Big Science ecosystem. This applies to DIFFER in the fusion ecosystem, to Nikhef in the elementary particle and gravitational wave ecosystem and to Astron and SRON for space observations and instrumentation.

Typically, these big science institutes both operate in-house scientific infrastructure and participate in the design, construction and exploitation of advanced instruments in international scientific infrastructures. DIFFER, for example, is involved in the analysis of plasma-facing materials and components for ITER and DEMO, the development of instruments and controllers for ASDEX Upgrade, Wendelstein 7-X in Germany, WEST in France or TCV in Switzerland. In addition, DIFFER actively participates in activities such as the governing board of Fusion4Energy, the general assembly of EUROfusion, the DEMO design team, and so on.

Pushing the boundaries

The link of these activities with the industry is quite subtle. Companies benefit from participating in the design and construction of scientific infrastructure, which often fosters the extension of their technological capabilities, which can then be pursued in other markets. Geo-return, where industries get involved in big, international, scientific infrastructures, is often a long game with substantial upfront costs and significant risks.

What if, however, you have your own in-house research infrastructure, like DIFFER has in the Netherlands? Then, you can try to get the industry involved in the design and realisation of the infrastructure. This is a much less risky game, with significantly low upfront costs, as well as significantly larger chances of success. The scientific infrastructure, almost by definition pushes the boundaries of requirements and complexity, and the industrial parties develop the desired competencies to drive the technology. By pushing the boundaries of the scientific infrastructure, the boundaries of industrial competency are pushed, too, and industrial partners gain competency and can develop new product lines.

Technology transfer: When the magic happens

In addition to geo-return and co-development, there is technology transfer. Technology transfer means that a technology that was developed in a specific domain can be applied in another domain. The question is: What happened in the transition between these domains? Often, this is experienced as serendipity; suddenly, there was an insight, and suddenly, an opportunity was recognised. But maybe there is a system to the madness, and we can understand what technology transfer is and how we can try to facilitate those developments.

To make a successful transfer of technology, one should start at the system level. Specific functions are invested in components that are interfaced with each other to deliver the overall desired behaviour against specific requirements. In technology transfer, functions from an artefact in one domain are needed, but typically with additional functions, in a different environment, at different requirements, and in a different legal framework.

Fig 1: Saddle shape

This means that you have to work with new domain specialists to ensure that you build a thing that will work for different purposes. Then, there are market aspects, such as knowledge creation, disclosure, assessment and evaluation, IP protection, fundraising and technology development, marketing, commercialisation, product development, and impact. These are things that are typically outside the realm of most scientists, and as a consequence, technology transfer is often a difficult and risky endeavour.

Let’s highlight five examples of how DIFFER has participated in technology transfer and created value from knowledge to push valorisation.

From ITER vacuum vessel to Airbus A380

The first example to discuss is the formation of large metal artefacts in complex shapes for the ITER vacuum vessel. A Dutch company called Exploform and ITER NL invested in extending the company’s competencies to produce artefacts of the right size. Although Exploform, in the end, did not obtain a contract to produce the ITER vacuum vessel, with the new competency to form large artefacts, the company was capable of producing a complex part of the Airbus 380 cockpit. ITER-NL helped Exploform to push their competency in big science and instrumentation, and the company was ready to transfer this competency to new applications.

From nuclear fusion to care robotics

Another area DIFFER has worked on in the past in close collaboration with private company HIT is the so-called remote maintenance. In a fusion reactor, the in-vessel components become radioactive. As a consequence, one cannot access the in-vessel systems and components once the machine has been operated. Due to the very aggressive environment, with high temperatures, fluxes of plasma and very intense neutrons, damage is inevitable. Those systems need to be maintained. But how?

The robotic maintenance in fusion devices is often foreseen with a haptic-master slave system, a robotic system that mimics the movements and actions of a manned operator. This is reminiscent of medical robotics.

At the time, a hot cell was foreseen in ITER, where large port plugs were to be maintained. We build one completely virtual unit of a hot cell. We started to develop the maintenance procedures for a few instruments just to demonstrate that the sub-systems that were most likely to fail (e.g. due to the plasma) could be reached. But also to check how the whole team of four operators was able to work together. We studied the interface of the human operator with the robotics, the task understanding in case multiple operators would work on the same tasks, and asked if computer-generated solutions can be made tangible to the operator via the haptics system.

Can the software identify problems such as collisions and obstructions? Can the software identify the right sequence to support the operator? Also, logistics play a role. Can we track where tools are, and can these tools be used in a following operation, or are they deemed to be waste? These topics could be investigated from an integrated perspective.

Many of the aspects that we’ve developed for the advanced application of ITER remote maintenance could be transferred to the care robotic system ROSE (with TU/e and HIT), assisting in the care of the elderly. Care robotics need to be cheap, with relatively simple systems for simple tasks. These systems cannot independently handle more complex situations, but a system with one remote operator with complete control over a hundred quasi-autonomous robots could provide cost-effective robotic care.

Fig 2: Part of an Airbus 380 cockpit

Prototype training simulator for open-heart surgery

The Mechanical Engineering Department of Delft University modelled soft structures for our virtual environment to mimic hoses and cables. These soft structure models could be transferred to a (simple) model of the heart, complicated enough for a surgeon or medical student to be trained to do open heart surgery. In a virtual operation theatre, the young surgeons could pick up instruments like scissors, scalpels, and a mirror to carry out virtual open heart surgery. This project was done in close collaboration with medical specialists who gave detailed input.

From fusion reactor to industrial inspection tool, life science diagnostic

Another example is an instrument that has been developed at DIFFER for control for the so called divertor; the bottom area of the fusion machine where we deliberately make a very cold plasma. In such a cold plasma, radiative losses are induced, and as a consequence, the heat flux to the first wall in a reactor is reduced. All this needs to be done under closed-loop control.

We developed a hyper-imaging instrument for full information on the radiative divertor state (in this particular case, in the TCV tokamak), consisting of spectral, spatial and temporal information. Every camera looks at the same location in the divertor, through a different filter (associated with specific line radiation). The ratios between the line radiation intensities are representative of the various processes that occur in the divertor, and with these ten cameras we observe the complete divertor state for control.

This system was developed by Wouter Vijvers, a former scientist at DIFFER. A contract as a project leader for a big instrument at ITER allowed him to work half his time on the ITER project and the other half of his time on the further development of his ideas. This resulted in the setting up of the company Chromodynamics, where the idea was launched to make high-tech hyper-imaging microscopy for cancer research. Affected tissues can already be identified in a very early stage. What started with fusion resulted in a boost for medical research.

Fig 3: Robot ROSE

From fusion to thermal control for advanced cancer treatment

A fifth example of valorisation is a model predictive controller for the distribution of the current density and the temperature using localised microwaves. A team from TU/e demonstrated the controller in TCV, Switzerland. The controller allows for simultaneous control of the current density distribution and the total plasma pressure while taking limits and constraints into account. This controller could be transferred by the same researchers to the application of hyperthermia, a cancer drug treatment developed by Philips.

In hyperthermia, a medication that needs to be deployed in specific tissues (e.g. in the case of cancer) is effectively stored in a nanocapsule. At normal body temperature, the nano-capsule is closed. By locally depositing microwave beams into the body, the tissue in which the medication needs to be deployed can be brought to an elevated temperature. The nanocapsule will open, and the medication will be deployed to attack the cancer locally. The model predictive controller (MPC), which was initially developed for the fusion domain, was ported from DIFFER and TU/e to Philips Medical.


To stimulate the process of valorisation, DIFFER collaborates with private parties in many ways and on many projects. DIFFER believes in long-term relationships – across different projects and research groups.

With co-development as a way to achieve knowledge transfer in the early design phase, DIFFER increases the compatibility with the industrial requirements and needs. This applies to fusion research, as well as to chemical energy and nuclear fission.

Please note, this article will also appear in the 21st edition of our quarterly publication.

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