Zeus North America Mining Corp. highlights its 2024 exploration plans at its flagship Cuddy Mountain Property.
Cuddy Mountain is adjacent to Hercules Silver Corp.’s Hercules Project, which reported a copper porphyry discovery in Idaho.
The Leviathan Porphyry Copper discovery was highlighted by intersecting 185m of 0.84% copper (Cu), 111 ppm molybdenum (Mo) and 2.6 g/t silver (Ag), including 45m of 1.95 % Cu.
Summer exploration at the Cuddy Mountain Property
Zeus prepares for a spring and summer exploration programme at its flagship Cuddy Mountain Property.
Cuddy Mountain has numerous similarities to the Hercules Property, including:
- Both properties have Olds Ferry terrane rocks, including the Hercules Rhyolite and Seven Devils Volcanics
- Both have several historical silver occurrences and/or small-scale mines hosted in rhyolite
- They’re both located along the Bayhorse Thrust Fault, a major structural corridor, which thrusts the rhyolite (hosts the silver mineralisation) overtop of volcanic (hosts the Leviathan Porphyry Copper mineralisation)
- Both properties are within an erosional window through the younger Columbia River basalts that cover most of the district (Fig. 1)
The exploration programme will consist of:
- Hercules ring-staked the Zeus Property prior to announcing their discovery, lending to the merits of the Cuddy Mountain Property (Fig. 1)
- The Hercules Discovery was testing a large-scale chargeability anomaly from a 3D-DCIP-induced Polarisation (IP) and Resistivity Survey. Zeus has contracted Dias Geophysical Ltd. to conduct a property-wide 3D-DCIP IP and Resistivity Survey during spring/summer 2024
- The area has been subject to a ‘staking rush’ whereby numerous companies and individuals have staked thousands of mining claims both to the Northeast and South of the Hercules discovery This is highlighted by Barrick Gold and Rio Tinto’s presence in the area and by Hercules’ ring-staking of the Zeus Cuddy Mountain Property (see Fig. 1 and 2)
- Zeus plans to conduct soil sampling, mapping, prospecting rock grab sampling and high-resolution ground magnetics at the Cuddy Mountain Property during the summer 2024. The integrated data set will be used to identify specific high-priority drill targets

Dean Besserer, President and CEO, stated: “This is one of the largest staking rushes I’ve seen in my career. Many still don’t recognise the magnitude of this discovery as it has unveiled a new and previously unknown Porphyry Copper belt.
“The fact that we have the property directly adjacent to such a great discovery and along the same major structure is exciting, and we are rapidly building our team to be the next in line to make a discovery in the district.”
Future exploration at the Selway and Great Western properties
Zeus initially plans to conduct reconnaissance prospecting and rock grab sampling to further evaluate the potential mineralisation within the properties of silver, copper, gold, lead, and zinc.
Once the results are compiled and interpreted, further field programmes will be designed.
Investors are cautioned that results from adjacent properties are not indicative of the presence of mineralisation or mineral deposits on Zeus’ properties.